Zengimcell Youtube mp3

Ferid Memmedov - Hold me (Live) mp3 yukle

Muggeni adi: Ferid Memmedov

Yukleme sayi: 8068

Muddeti: 02:54

Ölçü: 2.72 Mb


Zengimcell Youtube mp3

Ferid Memmedov mp3 mahnilar

Ferid Memmedov - "Hold Me"
Ferid Memmedov - Hold me (Türkçe)
Ferid Memmedov - Hold me (Türkçe version)
Eurovision 2013 - Ferid Memmedov - Hold me (Azerbaijan)
Ferid Memmedov Evrovision - Hold Me (Azeri versiyon)

Ferid Memmedov - Hold me (Live) mahni sozleri

Should have seen it coming when I saw you
Should have had the sense to stop and walk away
It was gonna turn out complicatedWe’ve hit overload, about to explode

If love was a mountain
I’d climb up to the highest of them all
I’d swim across the ocean if you’d call
I’m lost in your smile, freefalling for miles

Hold me, just unfold me
Unchain my soul, give me love, make me whole
Hold me if it’s only
For this moment in time, now I’m yours and you’re mine
So hold me

Take a little time and you’ll know better
Then to think about giving in on the one you love
Here we’re going back and freeze the moment
When we used to be free, was only you and me

Hold me, just unfold me
Unchain my soul, give me love, make me whole
Hold me if it’s only
For this moment in time, now I’m yours and you’re mine

Remember how we used to laugh, but now you’re running from the past
Let’s find the strength to carry on
Remember how when love used to be, you said I was your fantasy
Can’t take another night alone, so come on home

Hold me, just unfold me
Unchain my soul, give me love, make me whole
Hold me if it’s only
For this moment in time, now I’m yours and you’re mine

So hold me

Gyönyörű dalhoz egy szuper szerkesztésű videot készítettél. Teljes szinkronban a dal és a szerkesztés . Gratulálok ! elvittem ; 

Nuevos dramas, nuevas propuestas, increíblemente excelente. 8 Fatima.

Nagyon ott van ez a dal ! Engem nagyon megfogott,a lelkem minden èrzèse benne van.Le nyàlazzák aki ilyesmit ir,de mehetnek az ilyenek a sunyiba!Mert nincs olyan ember ezen a világon akinek legalább egyszer ne fájna az hogy elveszitett valakit,vagy vège lett valaminek.Szóval ezen gondolkodjon el mindenki! Köszönjük hogy feltetted!

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