Zengimcell Youtube mp3

ereb - ereb mp3 yukle

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Muddeti: 04:12

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Zengimcell Youtube mp3

ereb mp3 mahnilar

Ruzigar - Kor Ereb
Ereb - mahnisi
Ereb mahnisi - Baku
elvin - ereb reks
Sevinc Agasirinova - Ereb Mahnisi

ereb - ereb mahni sozleri

Out of the water
The cold black Nordic sea
Risen towards the eternal skyThe land lays open and free

Up high the Mountains
Where the wind catch its speed and chill
Snowstorms are born
And rage loud through the valleys and the hills

Above two Ravens
Messengers of the wise One eyed God
Who rules this land
Of the strong and the great

And tall
Behold this thy land
Open and free
This thy home of the brave

Dark endless forest
Where at the day hides the shadows of the night
Snowcovered vast lands
As great as the eternal sky

Now in the midst
Of this wild and this open and free
He placed my kind
To possess this their land to be

Above two Ravens
Messengers of the wise one eyed God
Who ruled this land
Of once strong and once great

But now
Forgetting to behold this their land
Once ours (once) free
This my home of once brave

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