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Burak Yeter - Tuesday (feat Danelle Sandoval) mp3 yukle

Muggeni adi: Burak Yeter

Yukleme sayi: 59275

Muddeti: 04:01

Ölçü: 9.25 Mb


Zengimcell Youtube mp3

Burak Yeter mp3 mahnilar

Burak Yeter - Tuesday (feat Danelle Sandoval) (Radio Edit)
Burak Yeter - Sensation (feat. Mandengo)
Nazan Şoray - Es Geç Aşk feat Burak Yeter
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Burak Yeter - Tuesday (feat Danelle Sandoval) mahni sozleri

Got the club going up, on a Tuesday
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up

Got the club going up
Got the club going up
Got the club going up

Got the club going up, on a Tuesday
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up

Got the club going up
Got the club going up
Got the club going up

Always workin' OT, overtime and outta town,
Things is crazy back home, it kills me that I'm not around.
I think we gettin' too deep, ain't no party on the weekend.
Upstairs I got Xans in an Advil bottle, I don't take them shits,
But you do, so I got ‘em

Got the club going up, on a Tuesday
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club going up, on a Tuesday
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she ain't choosey.
Club goin up

Got the club going up
Got the club going up
Got the club going up

почему её запретили ? оригинальный клип пишет что его запретили в вашей стране ( Молдова ) , и слыхал что в России так же

На скорости 1.25 ниче так, зажигательно.

мне кажется или эту мелодию слышал в другую песню?

Burak Yeter - Tuesday (feat Danelle Sandoval) mp3 yükle pulsuz mobil telefonuna , Burak Yeter - Tuesday (feat Danelle Sandoval) mp3 dinle onlayn formada, En son Burak Yeter mahnilar 2025 yukle.

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