Zengimcell Youtube mp3

HOST - İdeologiya (skit) mp3 yukle

Muggeni adi: HOST

Yukleme sayi: 4137

Muddeti: 01:06

Ölçü: 1.08 Mb


Zengimcell Youtube mp3

HOST mp3 mahnilar

HOST - Söz [skit]
HOST - Biz biz biz [skit]
HOST - Mentiq [skit]
HOST - Bakı (skit)
HOST - Deli [skit]

Ron Paul 

As someone with a degree in History I have to disagree. There is evidence of social chiefs, trade networks, and division of labor going back as far as BCE 11,00. Social division and concentration of wealth are not at all unusual or new in human civilization

fix it! /watch?v=OWX8LNN66uA "fake speech corrects mankind's course"

Our education system teaches us to be employees, not employers.  You get a college degree so you can work for someone else.  Business owners don't need degrees

Screw that, Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein 2016! If you think Hillary or Ron Paul will solve our problems you're wrong

We already have a system that achieves all that: "There was no unemployment, and the price of living was still extremely low; you saw very few conspicuously destitute people, and no beggars except the gypsies. Above all, there was a belief in the revolution and the future, a feeling of having suddenly emerged into an era of equality and freedom. Human beings were trying to behave as human beings and not as cogs in the capitalist machine." George Orwell - Homage to Catalonia page 6

Read "GET RICH IN MARITIME SHIPPING STOCKS" by Jerry Henrie at amazon in kindle and paperback

On YouTube look for,Clinton Documentary | Swedish Team 2016

Hillary 2016

I think they are extremely hard working-but it doesn't seem to be at their jobs.And it doesn't seem to be 500 times harder than other hard working people/What they are, are sociopaths morbidly obese with profit.If you replace the money hoarding with food-you would see them as nothing other than disgusting

No election will solve our problem. VIOLENCE will do it. No one including my self is willing

Initial add by Goldman Sachs intentional? Or was I just the witness of the most incredibly ironic moment on earth?

HOST - İdeologiya (skit) mp3 yükle pulsuz mobil telefonuna , HOST - İdeologiya (skit) mp3 dinle onlayn formada, En son HOST mahnilar 2024 yukle.

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