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Deyirman - Justice for khojaly (feat. Toni Blackman) mp3 yukle

Muggeni adi: Deyirman

Yukleme sayi: 3980

Muddeti: 04:03

Ölçü: 3.78 Mb


Zengimcell Youtube mp3

Deyirman mp3 mahnilar

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Justice For Khojaly justice ? fuck all your motherfucking turks and aziz wachu mac o hadisede 613 nefer oldurulmuyub, bow sohbetdi, 1600e yaxin adam oldurulub, onsuzda ort basdir elie elie gedirler. Allah rehmet elesin! "Bir ananin gozleri qarshisinda ushaginin bedenin ikiye bolduk, bir hissesi ile ananin bashina o qeder cirpdiq ki, qadin bashladi gulmeye.deli oldu" - bu sozleri ermeni deyib. Bunlarin menim yaddashimdan cixacagini sanan errmeni ! ANANI AGLADACAM ! ya tvoy rod imell ti pidarass halaldi millet unudurdu be getseydi I dont know where the hell u were born, and whatta nation u r. but open up ur blind eyes, in Sumgayit armenian militants killed armenians. even video of those armenians exists when they are confessing it that they have killed armenians. in Azerbaijan there are 30.00 armenians still and none of them suffered. coincidence? NO. if ur age is not enough to claim something, then u'd better shut up! Xocalida bir balaca eli olan insanlar(eyer insan demek olarsa) Allaha tapwiriram ! Chox saolun klipe ogore Allah sizlerden razi olsun SIKIM AZERGAYJAN FUCK AZERGAYJAN! You turks have to lick the ass of America! Fuck all armenians Fuck all armenians you are bandits you are slaves you are armenians bitches of Russia FUCK AZERGAYGAYJAN ALL ! This video is to create hate towards Armenians. This was a tragedy in Khojaly and everyone feels sorry for what happened to the innocent children, women and the elderly. There must be justice for the victims of this tragedy and those responsible, Armenian and Azeri must answer (both the Armenian and Azeri governments have equal blame since this could have been prevented). To call for killing of all Armenians is not right and is what caused this tragedy in the first place Sikimin Başııııııııııııııııııııı !

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