Zengimcell Youtube mp3

Yegane - Daha bu gün ayrıldım mp3 yukle

Muggeni adi: Yegane

Yukleme sayi: 2079

Muddeti: 04:09

Ölçü: 3.87 Mb


Zengimcell Youtube mp3

Yegane mp3 mahnilar

Yegane - Daha ne isteyirsen
Yegane - Daha neyin qaldı
Yegane - Daha neyim qalıb
Yegane - Daha Sevmek Istemirem
Fehmin - soz verirem daha sevmeyecem gelbim kimsiye vermiyecem gozleme daha donmeyecem sene men

I'm schizoaffective and (most of the time) have the voices very similar to the way she is describing, but most of them are rogue thoughts in my head. They kind of spiral out of control, overflow into my other senses on a bad day. My brain won't really make up sounds, but it will perceive many sounds to be threats. If I can't hear someone talking in the other room, I'll hear them whispering about me. Sometimes I think I know what people are thinking. I have some strange delusions as well that I'm not going to talk about. Even knowing they're stupid doesn&#03

I love black and white pics

I think she is one of the bravest people I have ever heard speak.Her confidence and intelligence is outstanding.Wonderful!

she's very funny and it makes it easier to talk about these things

"A Sane reaction to insane circumstances". "The important question in psychology shouldn't be "what's wrong with you, but "what happened to you. I believe everyone is perfectly adjusted to their environment. The question is, what kind of environment shaped you? By asking that question, we can facilitate growth.

I had voices every now and then, they came from no where. Just like that, I asked my friends if they said anything, they said no. I just went in my day until I thought about it. It sounded like my friends, I barely have anyone to talk to any more. That isn't really insane, I know, but weird. I just bottle up my feelings and try to accept them, usually fail, and then I just try harder and it goes and I just hum to 16th-18th century war music, keeps me in a beat and motivated which is what it's supposed to do. I don't hear them anymore, it's weird.

The voices in my head say im the devil that im dead and im you.

A certain someone who claimed to be in a secret society sparked my so called "Schizophrenia."

my boyfriend is currently in the hospital for the exact same thing, and with us having conflicting disorders this video has definitely helped me understand to an extent what he is going through

Dr.Longden, my initial inspiration for my lectures where I engage with University students, the 'diagnosed' and 'mental health professionals'. We are NOT victims - we are survivors. 

Wait so this is Schizophrenia or something else?

I am a therapist who works with people living with voices and other similar issues. I can say that this video have changed lives. I show it to all of my clients who have this issue. Eleanor Longden does an amazing job of inspiring and creating hope. Changing how people view their voices has been a truly transforming experience for many of my clients.

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