iPhonedo - Aa Apple mp3 yukle
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iPhonedo mp3 mahnilar
*_Android users are dabbing right now_*
Why can't Apple do what Android does? My husband still has his Samsung Galaxy S5 and it runs amazing. We did benchmark tests and of course, it's not as fast as the S9 but it runs flawless, why? Because Android provides upgrades sent out specifically for that phone until they decide no more. Updates that are geared for that phone's hardware based on what it's capable of. Will he ever be able to run the latest Android software? No, but he doesn't need to and doesn't have to sacrifice battery life. He still gets 7 to 8 hours on his device gaming and online surfing.
I am very very upset at Apple right now. I threw my iPhone 6 Plus in the garbage last month because it was slowing down so much that I thought it was broken or something. It turns out Apple was slowing down my iPhone 6 Plus intentionally! Now I bought a new Galaxy S8 and I will never go back to Apple again, ever
When me and my sister both got ipods she kept updating hers but i never did, i didnt want to use up that valuable storage space.
After a year or so my sisters ipod was lasting about 3 hours on a charge and took about 30 seconds to load up the browser.
As for my ipod which was never updated and used WAY more than my sisters still got atleast 5 hours and was just about as fast the day i got it.
i updated that ipod after a while and i cant remeber why but after i couldnt play any games on it and it pretty much just bricked itself
I changed to android after this
I’m done with Apple moving forward, will never purchase another phone from them. They have become too arrogant for their own good. They have the nerve to throttle the performance of your $800+ phone without a second thought. I used to scoff when people called us Apple sheep. However I now see where they were coming from. Never will I ever purchase an iPhone again
This makes me want to switch to Android
I've noticed with apple you really have no option. They don't give you one. I meant you are forced to update all the time, and you don't have an option to reverse. They say "They want to give the consumer the best experience? Shame shame shame shame!
Yes you are right, Apple was helping customers with older phones, they are always thinking of their customers just like removing those pesky headphones sockets and charging $500 to replace a back glass screen on a IPhone X, they are all heart!.
Those devils at Samsung make it easy to replace glass and make you pay a measly $15, how uncouth!.
They are the benchmark for integrity too; fancy people calling them liars when Apple said their design engineers developed the OLED screens, they didnt buy them from Samsung did they, just because Samsung had a patent on OLED and had been using them a few
Some clarity here given some recent revelations. Apple claims the old batteries are incapable of meeting peak performance demands over time. The choice to reduce performance is apparently to avoid random device shutdowns. That said, why isn't this issue affecting other devices using similar battery tech? Are people using iPhone's longer? Either way the argument regarding lack of transparency remains. Here's the full statement from Apple,
Our goal is to deliver the best experience for customers, which includes overall performance and prolonging the life of their devices. Lithium-
My issue is my iPhone 6s isn’t that old. Because I just got it only a year and a half ago, BRAND NEW! So the battery life probably hasn’t really depleted. so who the hell is Apple to say that just cause I have a 6s the battery is bad. It’s the same concept as if, I dropped my phone had to replace battery. I get a brand new one. And then bam! Apple says my battery is old and they slow my phone down. umm. I just put a new one in it. Now that doesn’t make sense does it
iPhones aren’t cheap, therefore I feel like we shouldn’t have to choose. I want performance as well as battery life. That’s what I paid for. I understand after a few years, things might not work as well as they did at first, but I don’t see any reason why my phone should be slowing down or unable to hold a charge after 1 year of having it
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