Yüksek Sadakat - Live It Up mp3 yukle
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Yüksek Sadakat mp3 mahnilar
Yüksek Sadakat - Live It Up mahni sozleri
Here's your favourite song on the radio
shake your head to the beat- it's rock n roll
if you're feeling the world has kicked you downall you need is just to have a little fun
hey, it's time to live it up
my friend, put the record on
sing it loud and let it out
life is beautiful
my friend let it out
life is beautiful
give yourself a break, come on and live it up
give yourself a break
driving on with no map to lead me on
eyes on the horizon and there's no turning round
sometimes i feel, i feel i'm not alone
so let your colors shine right next to mine
hey, it's time to live it up
my friend, put the record on
sing it loud and let it out
life is beautiful
my friend let it out
life is beautiful
give yourself a break, come on and live it up
give yourself a break
i say my friend life is beautiful
i say my friend life is beautiful
i say my friend, put the record on
sing it loud and let it out
life is beautiful
my friend let it out
life is beautiful
give yourself a break, come on and live it up
give yourself a break
İngilizcesini beğenmiştimde bu ne amk.
real winner
talk for yourself you racist prick. I know many good greeks
Yüksek Sadakat - Live It Up mp3 yükle pulsuz mobil telefonuna , Yüksek Sadakat - Live It Up mp3 dinle onlayn formada, En son Yüksek Sadakat mahnilar 2025 yukle.
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