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Irade Mehri - Hayat 2 bilet mp3 yukle

Muggeni adi: Irade Mehri

Yukleme sayi: 2812

Muddeti: 05:02

Ölçü: 7.17 Mb


Zengimcell Youtube mp3

Irade Mehri mp3 mahnilar

İrade Mehri - Tek Sen
Irade Mehri - Gün o Gündür
İrade Mehri - Azade
İrade Mehri - Bir Ömür
İrade Mehri - Popuri

They're just kids. : Either killed on the brink of adulthood or hardened and scarred for life. War is Hell

I admire these Marines for not only bravery, but for be honest about the fear it was in Battle! but yet they Fought on. and died

Notice that you will never see such footage on TV or anywhere else regarding the Iraq/Afghanistan or subsequent wars? It's because our government learned that allowing the American people to actually learn/experience what is actually going on is not good for the business of war. Remember right after the Iraq war when there were ads "we want to buy your video movies of the war" campaign that went on? It was the gummint buying and burying all the video footage. Long live the Constitution. Those who do not learn from history are forced to repeat it

Those medics, and the nurses, were just incredible.  I love them all

This is what news reporting used to be like when it came to reporting on the war , look at us now , the main stream media is a joke !

My dad left in 1980 cuz of the war, he immigrated 2 Houston & the rest of my family came here in 1981. I remember him telling me about it & I didn't know it was that bad

The "we won every battle, yet lost the war" lie didn't get spoken until about 10 years after we left Vietnam.  In 1968 we had over 1/2 a million men "in country" and were dropping bombs at a greater tonnage than we dropped on Germany in 1944 and still we LOST.  We were beaten Fair and Square and the only reason our casualties weren't a lot higher is because we didn't dare to cross the DMZ where we would have been slaughtered in the open field of North Vietnam by a hundred Chinese Divisions.  We are now friends with Vietnam and it's a wonder they can forg

The proverbial chickens come home to roost with the influx of Latin American immigrants coming in from these war torn countries

These government officials are left with egg on their face as they deny the truth and proof is right there. The only ones believing their story is themselves, kinda like Trump and Hitler

What I remember most about my time at Con Thien was the seemingly endless B52 runs that rocked the ground and sent shock waves over you. The bombing was most dramatic at night. I thought I would never get out of there

Operation Buffalo in Con Thien, July 2nd, was the deadliest day in Vietnam for the Marines. The NVA used flame throwers for the first time forcing the Marines out into the open where their artillery tore them up, 84 Marines died in one day. Some of the dead had to be left behind and when they went back two days later to retrieve their bodies many had been booby-trapped and mutilated, some had their genitalia cut off and sewn on their faces. This is the battle where 1/9, first Battalion 9th Marines earned the name The Walking Dead. 159 Marines KIA and 845 WIA in this 4 day Battle. All throughou

I wonder in Mike Wallace slept comfortably at night under a Communist flag bedspread?

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