Zengimcell Youtube mp3

RA-1000 - Sevgi ve Cemiyyet (Ft. Yağış) mp3 yukle

Muggeni adi: RA-1000

Yukleme sayi: 977

Muddeti: 03:38

Ölçü: 3.4 Mb


Zengimcell Youtube mp3

RA-1000 mp3 mahnilar

RA-1000 - 1000 & Yağış & Son Hedd - Bakcell (Soundtrack)
RA-1000 - 1000 - Son mektub feat. Yağış
RA-1000 - Külek ol (Ft. Yagis)
Yagis feat ra 1000 feat Tahir - Pupsik
Yagis feat Ra 1000 - Qemli Nagil 2

Did the guerillas win

I don't blame El Salvador for having all them gangs.i see now that that's the way to protect themselves

Very smart to buy the railroads

"Don't save what's left after spending. Spend what's left after saving." - Warren Buffett

Thank you Right Wing Reagan for your mess in El Salvador

How to stay out of college debt: Do your GEs at your city/junior college and get a high GPA and apply for scholarships. Also get a part time job. Not only will this increase your revenues to avoid debt but it will also give you the experience and create the connections to get a higher paying jobs after you receive your degree. Then go to a state school for the next two years. My undergrad cost me under $20,00. It took me 5 years to get it. That's $4,00 per year. I worked my way through it without debt. I also have over 5 years of work experience and achieved a 3.4 GPA. I now have employ

This is the worst part to happen in our country, MY father and 5 uncles were killed before I was born. They were accused of being gearrilleros but they were not. My grandmother raised me and my brother, and raised us in a refugee from 1980 to 1990 and finally got refugee status in Canada. I love this country but I will always have a soft spot for mine and my families homeland. The biggest hero of the war was my grandmother who raised me and my brother and here sister children too. She did all this while grieving here 6 children. She is my mother/grandmother and father figure

The USA backed FMLN! Using american weapons. I guess this is what our country does when they dont like who is running a country!

I joined the military at 18 and now I am 43 and retired. Live below your means and stop trying to keep up with our materialistic society!

Unfortunately, the Salvadorian military death squads only oppress their own community. They haven t fought in a war with outside invaders. Their sole purpose is to keep the community in fear and oppression. It reminds me of the Argentine army during the Malvinas confict of the 80s. They couldn t win one round against the UK forces. But when the community protested the war, the army killed them in the streets of Buenos Aires. I ve met a few ex military types here in NYC. They' re creepy violent criminal types. It s no wonder that gangs control the streets. Anarchy , cheap violence,and pove

God bless to the kind people who went to help my country, even putting in risk their own lives. God bless my beautiful country El Salvador

It just blows my mind that 300 individuals chose to "dislike" this video, hiding behind their computers. How is this a video to dislike? The man is a wealth of knowledge and is trying to better the lives of the subsequent generations. Man, people will hate on anything. Blows my mind. Go watch the Kardashians

RA-1000 - Sevgi ve Cemiyyet (Ft. Yağış) mp3 yükle pulsuz mobil telefonuna , RA-1000 - Sevgi ve Cemiyyet (Ft. Yağış) mp3 dinle onlayn formada, En son RA-1000 mahnilar 2024 yukle.

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