Klan-A-Plan - Menimle oynama (duet Rehim Rehimli) mp3 yukle
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Klan-A-Plan mp3 mahnilar
Banana Republic USA ! Welcome to Lawless CIA Rich Mans Corruptions !, and
to buckeye Your in chains and your too stupid or drunk to even know it !
Caring for and Informing Americans. We the people of the United State live
in the most free nation on Earth. Our government preserves and enforces our
democratic freedom by any means necessary.
This is fantastic. The U.S. of A taking the trash out. Fucking comtards.
The comtards decide to set up shop in America's back yard and they think
the U.S. isn't going to do anything about it? The comtards get beat down
and claim they are the victims. They will continue to get beat down every
time they stick their heads up provided Republicans control the Executive.
Stir It Up: The CIA Targets Jamaica, Bob Marley and the Progressive Manley
Government, my novel - tells the whole story of CIA destabilization of JA
during the Marley era. Available online - search "stir it up CIA"
Speaking of corrupt leaders who are in power today just look at here in The
USA in West Virginia how that Jay Rockefeller runs unopposed every election
! .
No-one has the money to run against MR. CIA Rockefeller and his media
corruptions , Judicial Corruptions and his racketeering ! , JFK was
murdered By LBJ , Bush and Nixon at the CIA with The Rockefeller families
approval .
Every US Citizen is responsible for Every single person that The CIA kills
around the world , and who they have killed right here in the USA !
What You have Sown America - You will also Reap ! ,
It is just a matter of time ! .
A secret government is a ; "Corrupt American-NAZI Government " ! ,
Prolonged Detention Camps , British Troops stationed right in Bed Ford
Texas Fully Armed training to Dis-Arm You Americans Daily ! . UN arms
Treaty , Constitutional Treason has been Committed by Obama and Kerry and
our other Corrupt leaders ! . Get Yoursellf Armed America ! and Get ready
I fucking hate America more now than ever destroyed my country for money
Left wing Bullshit.
eszele geszele kyky
Had we listened to these guys then? What will we say in 2045?
Fucking Ameri cans. thy just want money. blood soaked
Secret service agents live a glamorous life filled with sex, fine dining,
murder, and extortion. They got it made. We should cut their funding, they
need to be brought back down to earth.
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