Bruce Aisher & Richard Salmon - Evim Sensin Fading (Soundtrack) mp3 yukle
Muggeni adi: Bruce Aisher & Richard Salmon
Yukleme sayi: 743
Muddeti: 02:44
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Bruce Aisher & Richard Salmon mp3 mahnilar
ilove this song
ja chcę seuel!
Evim sensinden geldim
It's popular movie theme. When girls are friends, they are mostly 4 of them
Migros'tan geldim ulan 40dkda bir çalıyodu bağımlılık yaptı
que musica linda
evim sensin filme en français tu es ma maison, histoire vraie et triste. super filme
Evim Sensin'den gelenler?
Looking to the broken sky
Seen my life just passing by
All I really want is you
Coming down don’t feel like that
Feel the rush as it goes in
And I miss you in my life
I’m fading
I’ll never know if you could ever doubt me
I fall from a higher ground
You’re fading out
I’m fallin in
Just tell me cause I don’t know what the day will bring
I’m falling in time
You find me here
But don’t look too hard cause I’m fading
Sunlight golden in your head
Close my eyes when you’re not there
And I see you in my life, you’re wasted
I try to hold up to a piece of us then
As you know it will never la
who are those? "sex and the city" cousin?
I just heard this in the Swedish movie "The Girl Who Played with Fire" and had really hard time finding out the name of the song because it only played there for a few seconds on a car radio!
Bruce Aisher & Richard Salmon - Evim Sensin Fading (Soundtrack) mp3 yükle pulsuz mobil telefonuna , Bruce Aisher & Richard Salmon - Evim Sensin Fading (Soundtrack) mp3 dinle onlayn formada, En son Bruce Aisher & Richard Salmon mahnilar 2025 yukle.
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