Asena - Asena haremde mp3 yukle
Muggeni adi: Asena
Yukleme sayi: 946
Muddeti: 04:12
Ölçü: 3.92 Mb
Zengimcell Youtube mp3
Asena mp3 mahnilar
Alguém tem essa musica em MP3 para me enviar por favor?
Tans hereketli olur resimli yok
This one of the best Tabla Tunes on youtube. It's so nice I put it on
I wish I was skinny lol.I am 5 ft 9 & 194 pounds. I am working
on 175 at the gym I see all these paranoid posts you been posting. So
why would I take offense to someone like you who really needs mental health
care. I am not trying to make fun of you It's just obvious you are
suffering mentally from something. if you need to try and make me feel bad
so you feel good than go ahead. I want you to feel better. But seeking a
good doctor is the best thing for you. U need to get diagnosed
i'm from Armenia, and i like very much turkish arabic and persian belly
dance music greetings from my country !
that sounds soo good
i think all girls are beautifull
more please. You know this is no cost to you.
keep it coming I am listening, see how much better you feel
telling me all this It doesn't take a degree to understand that you need
to vent . Now , take another deep breath and tell me more I am so glade
your listening to me and talking to me like I told you to . Keep up the
good work.
einfach nur schön ich liebe diese Musik,ich liebe die Türkei
That's nice that you like women with brown eye's . All I said
was that I think women with grey eye's are beautiful. I didn't say I only
like grey eye's you weirdo. Are you on meth tonight or just allot of soda
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